It is tough to determine how much time you will need to complete the task but it is equally crucial.

One of the most important criteria in project development is time estimation. Estimating time for every task accurately is challenging yet necessary because the entire project’s timeframe is dependent on each of them. Most of the time, we all underestimate a task, resulting in imprecise work, broken code, degraded work quality, and, eventually, a disgruntled team!

Why is it so difficult to predict the time required for a certain task?

  1. Planning Fallacy
    Our propensity to dismiss pre-existing data when formulating forecasts. Instead of making estimates based on previous data, we concentrate entirely on the forthcoming task.
  2. Optimism Bias
    Our optimism leads us to anticipate that it’s doubtful that we will experience challenges that may create delays. When we estimate the amount of time required to accomplish a task, we usually predict the best-case scenario.

Why is estimating time for tasks important?

You have a far better chance of achieving your deadline if you have an accurate estimate of how long a task will take. Even if the task has no deadline, knowing how long it will take will help you plan your day and ensure you complete everything that has to be done.

Having an accurate work estimate is very important for project management. Project schedules are based on estimations, thus if the predictions are realistic, the project is far more likely to be completed on time.

How to be better at estimating time for tasks?

A few simple approaches can help you increase your ability to predict how long a task will take. Use the following tips to improve the accuracy of your time estimates:

  • Break down the task into smaller parts.
    It makes no difference how minor the task is; dividing it into small units allows you to better grasp the required time.
  • To determine the final timeline, combine all of the units.
    Now that you’ve split your tasks down into smaller ones, total up the time it will take to complete them.
  • Add 25% time as a margin
    Even if you set small tasks and included the exact time, there is a good chance that you misconstrued something, or something popped up at the last moment, therefore always keep this buffer at least 25% of the time.